Here's the scoop on Ethan. The sutures in the forehead have fused, but that's OK because they can fuse any time in the first year. The other sutures are all just fine. Bottom line: No surgery needed!
What we think happened is that Ethan's head was in the 70th percentile for newborns shortly after he was born. It is now in the 5th percentile for seven month olds. Ordinarily this should send up warning flags, which is precisely what happened. What the medical folks failed to take into consideration is that he was in the 70th percentile because his head was swollen. They also failed to consider his original due date rather than his birth date. Factor out the extra month and he's in the 35th percentile for his gestational plus birth age which is OK.
Or maybe God just healed him........
Either way. Praise God!
They also took the little guy to see the pediatric opthamologist. He doesn't think the lack of focus problem is mechanical but developmental/neurological in nature. So, the plan is to use stimulation to help Ethan focus. Bright mobiles and toys along with toys that have blinking lights but no sound. They want him turning his gaze toward the lights and not toward the sound. Oh, and they'll be sure and avoid strobing (fast flash) lights so as not to trigger a seizure.
Here's how to continue praying:
- Pray that the use of stimulation will help Ethan to develop and be able to focus
- Pray that the cause of the seizures will correct itself and he can be removed from the need for medication
- Pray that Sean and Ash will continue to rest in the Lord and grow in faith
- Pray in praise and thanksgiving for this good news
Thanks for your continued prayers. I know that Ethan will certainly appreciate it when he's old enough to understand and we certainly appreciate it now.
May God grant you his richest blessings.