Sean tells me that they've started "ad-lib" feeding rather than scheduled feeding times. They think that perhaps Ethan will eat better if they wait until he's actually hungry (imagine that!). Since they've started the new routine Ethan has lost a bit of weight, so they are mixing formula in with mom's milk to add calories.
Here's the deal. If Ethan continues to eat well under the new schedule AND he starts to pick up some weight they will let him go home. The soonest this might happen is Friday! That leads us directly into the specifics for prayer: Please pray that Ethan will continue to eat (or even become a more accomplished eater, like his Paparazzo) and that he will gain a bit of weight in the next few days.

We want you to pray for this new possibility, but we'd ask that you continue to pray for Ethan's health and recovery overall. The problem with needing to drain CSF has not gone away, so even if he goes home this Friday, Ethan will have to be brought back in for sonograms, measurements and a reoccurance of the needle insertion between brain hemispheres. While we will be grateful if the Lord allows the weight gain our ultimate hope and prayer for Ethan is that he will go home completely healed and not have to undergo additional procedures (although I'm certain the doctors will want to follow-up vigorously to make sure that he is doing well).

Once again, we can't adequately express our appreciation for the love and prayers on behalf of Ethan. Thank you and may God bestow his richest blessings upon you.
It is amazing that the more I pray for Ethan, the more I have come to truly love him. What a wonderful little baby, a great gift from God. Thank you so much for all the updates. My continued prayers are with you all.
Marla (Friend from work)
I love the pictures! Ashli he has the cutiest feet and I know he has your toes, thanks for taking the pictures of our precious little guy, so we can see how big he's getting. Still praying that he'll get to come home soon.
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations. For I have said, Mercy shall be built up for ever: thy faithfulness shall thou establish in the very heavens.
Psalms 89:1-2
Our God is faithful to His word to preform it. His word does not return void. The steadfast word of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are new every moning great is thy faithfulness!
We are still standing on God's promise, He who began a good work in Ethan will be faithful to complete it! We are praying for continued strength for you Sean And Ashli. His strength is perfect when our strength is gone, He will carry us when we can't carry on. Raised in His power the weak become strong.
Love and Prayers
Aunt Becky
I know Sean and Ashli you're going to think this nana is crazy, but I come by this sight several times a day to see my baby, he is soooo cute. I have to comment on his cute little hands and how he is pointing with his fingers. HOW CUTE!!!
Ethan's nana
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