Friday came and went and Ethan was not allowed to go home. An earlier sonogram showed that the fluid buildup in one of the ventricles of the brain had subsided (praise God!), but that the other one was still filling. The sonogram also found a cyst in the brain. The doctors want to recheck the cyst in three weeks to see what it does (grow, shrink, disappear....... I vote for the last one).

So, a mixed bag as far as news - some good, some not so good. However, the best news is that Friday is gone and now it's Saturday and Saturday apparently means that Ethan was able to be released from the hospital today and is going home! Yes, go ahead, shout, laugh, cry..... I'll wait. But whatever else you do, thank God for his continued care of little Ethan through what could have been a far worse ordeal.

Sean has promised to email some pictures and I'll be sure and post them here. Hmmmmm. This also means that the Paparazzo will get to visit soon and then I'll get to take some photos..... I can't wait.
*** Update ***
As you can see. The pictures are here.